Thursday, 25 June 2015

Perkembangan IP

Developments Sciences,

The development of Science and Technology - Every culture contains elements of science and technology. Both are elements of different but related to one another. Knowledge tends to a form of frame of mind, while the technology is the fruit of the knowledge of thinking results. Knowledge leads to things that are theoretical, while the more technology leads to practical application. For example:
1. knowledge of various types of plants that are useful for the treatment technologies bring traditional medicine;
2. knowledge of the existence of positive and negative electric charge raises electronics technology, and so on.
System knowledge possessed by an ethnic group is not the same, so the technology is mastered every tribe is different. The level of civilization of a culture is always associated with the extent of the mastery of science and technology owned by the nation. The scope of knowledge of an ethnic group related to the following matters. 
1. Natural surroundings.
2. Natural flora in the area where he lives.
3. Natural fauna in the area where he lives.
4. substances, raw materials, and objects in the environment.
5. The human body.
6. The properties and behavior of human beings.
7. Space and time.
Knowledge relating to the environment, among others, knowledge of the seasons, nature, and natural phenomena around him. Knowledge-knowledge is closely related to the practical needs that are used for sailing, hunting, farming and other activities that require the calculation of natural conditions. Knowledge of nature is then led to various descriptions of the origins of natural events, such as the origin of the universe, the earthquake, and the occurrence of rain. It is from the outset inspire the human mindset, so it appears mythology. Mythology is one form of culture that is based on the limited knowledge that are intuitive and instinctive without scientific research. Knowledge of the natural flora is knowledge related to basic livelihoods, such as farming, livestock, and fisheries, either directly or indirectly. In addition, knowledge of the natural flora bring knowledge about the types of spices and leaves have medicinal properties. Types of spices and leaves are used for means in religious ceremonies, quack science and so on. Knowledge of the natural fauna is basic knowledge for the tribes who live hunting, or who rely on their livelihood in the agricultural sector. Why is that? Farmers need to understand the different types of animals that are the enemies of the plant, so that farmers are able to keep the plants well. Knowledge of the characteristics and properties of the raw material objects around him made man capable of making the equipment necessary for life. Through an understanding of why humans find technology related to the manufacture of the tools necessary for life. In the Stone Age, humans utilize objects around him, namely the rocks as a tool to kill the prey, making a fire, even dismember prey animal flesh. Knowledge of the human body led to an understanding of traditional medicine, such as masseur, sequence, until the blood blooded science. Blood blooded science is the Chinese traditional medicine long before humans developed the science of medicine. Knowledge of human beings also raises psychological knowledge of antiquity. Knowledge of ancient psychology with regard to: the type face, hand line strokes, until the knowledge related to the procedures manners association. Knowledge of space and time influential in bringing knowledge of modern science. Human success in the past in making temples and pyramids is concrete evidence that they have been able to weigh and calculate geometry, resulting in a work of monumental architecture. With knowledge, people try to apply them in everyday life. Therefore, emerging technology which is characterized by human ability to master the ways of producing, using, and maintaining all equipment used in life.

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